Upcoming Events
CHBA ProBono Committee Mixer at Mi Casa Resource Center
MCRC has been helping vulnerable communities in Colorado for 46 years by providing career services, business support, and patent assistance. Now, after a hiatus, they’re relaunching free legal clinics with a new focus on supporting participants’ career, business, and invention pursuits.
At this event, you will learn about this new legal clinic and the new in-person format. You can expect to tour the Mi Casa facility, meet their team, taste food served by graduates from the Mi Casa La Receta food accelerator program, and share a cocktail with friends new and old. This event is for all types of legal professionals including law students that want to give back in the areas of employment, labor, business, contracts, litigation, patent, trademark, copywrite and intellectual property law. Raffle giveaways will include t-shirts, aprons and writing journals.
When: April 11, 2023, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Where: 345 South Grove Street, Denver, CO 80219 (Google Maps Link)
Click here to RSVP and for more information
Side Bar: Focus on Native American Rights Fund
Please join Boulder County Bar Association for a Focus on Native American Rights Fund. Staff attorney Beth Margaret Wright will present generally on NARF’s legal advocacy work for Tribal Nations across the country, while highlighting the work done in Colorado. This includes a focus on the work regarding Colorado’s Indian Child Welfare Act laws, protecting sacred places in Colorado, federal Indian boarding schools in Colorado, and the Implementation Project that is a joint initiative of NARF and The University of Colorado Law School that works to raise awareness of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Following the CLE program, we will hold a happy hour.
When: Wednesday, April 12, from 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Where: Boulder County Bar Association Office (3269 28th St.)
Please click here to register.
CHBA Small Group Mentoring Program
Are you in need of mentorship? Do you want to give back by mentoring? New to Colorado or Denver? Want to increase your networking while discussing issues we face as diverse lawyers with others in a group setting? If so, the CHBA Group Mentoring Program is for you!
For questions, please get in touch with our Mentorship Committee Co-Chairs, Mariana Vielma (mariana.vielma@judicial.state.co.us) or A.J. Martinez (andres.james.martinez@gmail.com). Please contact them if you’d also like to get involved in the committee!
Applications due Friday, April 14th.
The 2023 CHBA Mentoring Program will launch on April 28, 2023, and
run through March 31, 2024. We need your participation to make this a true success, so please join us in this great and unique membership benefit.
Click here for more information
12th Judicial District Clinic on Landlord/Tenant Law
The 12th Judicial District Access to Justice Committee is offering a free clinic on landlord/tenant law for anyone interested in learning more about the eviction process and legal requirements for conditions of rental housing.
The clinic will feature a panel discussion on important updates to the law, with time for questions and answers. Panel members will include attorneys, judges, court personnel and law enforcement.
When: April 21, from 3:00-5:00 pm
Where: In the Alamosa Combined Court (8955 Independence Way in Alamosa)
Those interested in attending are asked to register by April 14 by contacting Lisa Mizell at 719-589-7621 or 12selfhelp@judicial.state.co.us.
Grand Junction-Based Merit Selection Panel
In accordance with Volume 3, Chapter 4, § 420.30 of Judicial Conference Regulations, the United States District Court for the District of Colorado is accepting submissions from qualified professionals interested in serving on the court’s Grand Junction based merit selection panel. This solicitation is intended to supplement an existing merit selection panel, which must have no fewer than seven members, including the court-appointed chairperson. At least two of the members must be non-lawyers. The panel’s responsibilities include evaluating and recommending to the district judges the best qualified applicants for appointment to the position of a part-time U.S. magistrate judge. The panel may also evaluate the performance of an incumbent magistrate judge whose term is expiring and is up for reappointment.
Members should reside or practice in the Grand Junction jury division which consists of Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Mesa, Moffat, Montrose, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, and Routt counties.
Interested candidates should email a resume and letter of interest to cod_magistratejudgepanel@cod.uscourts.gov no later than Friday, April 21, at 5:00 pm MDT.
No person may be considered for selection by the court for a magistrate judge position while serving as a member of a panel. For a former panel member to be considered for a subsequent magistrate judge position, one year must elapse between the earlier of when a former merit selection panel submitted its report to the court or when the member of that panel seeking a position resigned, and the date by which applications for a subsequent vacancy are due to be submitted to the court. The Committee on the Administration of the Magistrate Judges System may waive this provision, on an individual case basis.
Denver Law Alumni of Color Inaugural Celebration of the Yegge Scholarship
Building on the legacy of former Denver Law Dean Robert B. Yegge, the Yegge Memorial Scholarship is a merit scholarship that promotes diversity in the legal profession. 2020 marked the 50th Anniversary of the first graduating Yegge Scholars from the law school. Please join us to mark this belated Anniversary, celebrate the impact of the Yegge Scholarship and raise funds to ensure future growth. We will gather at this inaugural event with good food and in great company to advance the next generation of diverse attorneys in our community. Tickets: $75 each (ticket price includes two drink tickets per person and heavy hors d’oeuvres.)
When: May 19, from 5:30 – 9 p.m.
Where: Fritz Knoebel School of Hospitality Tuscan Ballroom, 2101 S University Blvd Denver, CO 80210 (Google Maps directions)
Cinco de Mayo Events
Cinco de Mayo in Northern Colorado

Join the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association for happy hour in Larimer County! Our Region 1 representatives bring together other local bar associations for networking and fun.
When: May 4, 2023, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Where: 2725 Rocky Mountain Ave.; Suite 300 Loveland, Colorado, 80538 United States
We will also be in Greely the following day, May 5.
When: May 5, 2023, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Where: Kimberly’s Event Center Lounge/Party Rentals, 1029 8th Ave, Greely Colorado 80631
Cinco de Mayo in Denver
We will also be in Denver on May 5, with the Young Lawyer’s Division.
When: May 5, 2023, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Where: TBD
Job Openings
Legal Research Attorney
It is important to share that the 21st Judicial District has posted an opening for a new full time Legal Research Attorney (LRA). The successful candidate for this position will work closely with our District Court Bench providing complex legal services such as drafting written work, researching legal issues, and providing general legal support. The 21st Judicial LRA position has been posted online for applications and closes on April 11th, 2023. Salary for this position ranges between $71,148-$98,472 per year and salary will be set in accordance with the Colorado Equal Pay Act.
Click here for more information
18th Judicial District announces two District Court vacancies
The Eighteenth Judicial District Nominating Commission will meet at the Arapahoe County Justice Center on May 19, 2023, to interview and select nominees for appointment by the governor to the office of district judge for the Eighteenth Judicial District (Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln counties). Two vacancies will be created, one by the retirement of the Hon. Jeffrey K. Holmes, and one by the resignation of the Hon. Peter Michaelson. The vacancies will occur on July 1, 2023, and on Aug 1, 2023, respectively. The current annual salary for this position is $183,816. The completed application must be e-mailed to the address listed in the instructions below no later than 4 p.m. on April 25, 2023.
Click here for more information
Associate Attorney: Criminal Defense and Family Law

If you have an upcoming event that you would like to be posted on our newsletter or website, please contact Luisa Quinones at luisa.f.quinones@gmail.com.
At CHBA, we take pride in the accomplishments of our members and want to celebrate your professional achievements! We are excited to introduce a new section in our upcoming newsletters called “Featured Member,” where we will highlight the successes of our members. We would love to hear from you if you have recently achieved a professional milestone or received an award. This could include accomplishments such as promotions, awards, publications, or any other noteworthy achievements in your career.
Please fill out this form!