LAW SCHOOL… Yes We Can’s Tenth Anniversary Celebration!

Celebrate a decade of transformative impact with Law School…Yes We Can at its 10th Anniversary Building Futures Fundraising Event on May 21, 2024! This milestone event is a testament to its unwavering dedication to Judge Christine M. Arguello's inspiring mission: to make the law school application process accessible for underrepresented students. Since its launch in […]

Gender & Pronouns in the Legal Practice

Sherman & Howard's Pride Event on June 5! Judge Ted Tow will highlight the significance of implementing inclusive courtroomprocedures. He will cover both statutory and ethical perspectives under the ColoradoAnti-Discrimination Act, with a particular focus on understanding pronouns andgender identity. This session will emphasize the importance of addressing individualsby learning about who they are and […]

CHBA/Mi Casa Pro Bono Clinic: Volunteer

Take action with the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association and make a meaningful impact on our community! Together with Mi Casa Resource Center, CHBA hosts monthly pro bono business legal clinics. Attorneys meet with community members for one-on-one for 30-minute consultations with business-law related topics.  Ares of need include: litigation, contracts, intellectual property, business formation, and more.  The primary […]

DBA Denver District Attorney Candidate Forum

Denver DA Candidate Forum June 18 | 4:30 p.m.CBA Offices with a Zoom Option Join us in an engaging and thought-provoking conversation with the candidates running for Denver District Attorney in the 2024 election. This nonpartisan discussion will be moderated by Esteban Hernandez of Axios. This event will provide opportunities for meaningful dialogue between the legal community and […]

Ethical Considerations: Attorney Fees in HOA Litigation

Online only via zoom The Sam Cary Bar Association and the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association join together to produce a series of programs exploring the history of HOAs and their purpose, oppressive practices observed nationwide, and relevant legislation and statutes in Colorado related to HOAs. Register Here:

25th Annual Supreme Court Review Livestream

Free CLE credits available! Anti-Defamation League Mountain States region (ADL).     We are pleased to invite you to join us for ADL’s 25th Anniversary Supreme Court Review live stream eventon Tuesday, July 9th from 10:00 – 11:30 AM (MT). Gain a better understanding of this year's key Supreme Court cases from legal and Supreme Court experts including Erwin Chemerinsky, Miguel […]

CHBA/Mi Casa Pro Bono Clinic: Volunteer

Take action with the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association and make a meaningful impact on our community! Together with Mi Casa Resource Center, CHBA hosts monthly pro bono business legal clinics. Attorneys meet with community members for one-on-one for 30-minute consultations with business-law related topics.  Ares of need include: litigation, contracts, intellectual property, business formation, and more.  The primary […]

CHBA/Mi Casa Pro Bono Clinic: Volunteer

Take action with the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association and make a meaningful impact on our community! Together with Mi Casa Resource Center, CHBA hosts monthly pro bono business legal clinics. Attorneys meet with community members for one-on-one for 30-minute consultations with business-law related topics.  Ares of need include: litigation, contracts, intellectual property, business formation, and more.  The primary […]

2024 En el Jardín Annual Banquet

CHBA returns once again to the Denver Botanic Gardens for the 2024 En el Jardín Annual Banquet. Enjoy catching up with CHBA friends over cocktails and great food before our annual awards presentation. Finish the evening with dessert and dancing at the on-site afterparty. All event tickets include access to the gardens. Other event info: […]

$125.00 – $150.00

CHBA/Mi Casa Pro Bono Clinic: Volunteer

Take action with the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association and make a meaningful impact on our community! Together with Mi Casa Resource Center, CHBA hosts monthly pro bono business legal clinics. Attorneys meet with community members for one-on-one for 30-minute consultations with business-law related topics.  Ares of need include: litigation, contracts, intellectual property, business formation, and more.  The primary […]